Have you ever wondered if your personality is important as a Christian? In other words, is it okay if I like certain activities, hobbies, or items? As a Christian, we can often ponder these thoughts since they define us as human beings. For example, if you love watching movies, that is an activity or a hobby you love doing. If you love singing, that can potentially be an identity that you carry.
To answer my earlier questions, yes, our personality is important, and it is okay to like certain activities, hobbies, or items. However, we have a say into how we let them define us and how they can be used for Jesus. When God created us, we were created to give Him glory in all that we do.
In fact, God knew beforehand, what you would like or dislike, what activities you will be involved in, and what person you will one day become. Psalm 139:16 states “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were all written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.” (NKJV)
God already ordained your life before you were born and has given you certain talents that can be used for His glory. These talents can be different for everyone, but God gives them for a special reason.
To further explain this, we will look at a couple scenarios. Suppose you have a love for music, God can use this in your life to minister to people. You can glorify God in songs and lead in worship since He inhabits on the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). God can move in a mighty way through you because you have used this desire for Him.
Another scenario we can talk about is having a love for nature as an interest. Nature itself shows the magnificence of God’s glory and can used to minster about how God created the world. When this understanding is met, the plan of salvation can be revealed, and someone can come to know Jesus!
These are a few examples of some interest or hobbies that can be used for Jesus. Remember, God has given you unique talents that can be used for Him.
Do not look to other people and wish that you had that specific talent. God has equipped with you with the very best talent that no one else can handle except you! Everyone’s differences serves a greater purpose in God’s timeline.
In the Bible, God used David’s sling to bring down Goliath and show who God is to the Philistines. When Gideon obeyed the Lord, God used his horn to confuse his enemies and he conquered the land. God used the staff of Moses to lead the people across the Red Sea into the Promised Land God had for them.
We should ask the Lord how we can use our hobbies and interests for His glory and how to walk in the confidence that God has given to us through our identity in Him. When we walk in this confidence, we can be sure that we are using His gifts for the full benefit of the Kingdom.
Challenge for this week: Write a list of everything that you like, how can these be used for Jesus? How can God use you in those activities that you love?