Keep your focus on Jesus. That is a common statement we hear as Christians but what does it mean to keep our focus on Jesus? After all, we live in a world that always keeps us busy. This can include family, friends, work, commitments, activities, and the list goes on. While these activies are good, how do we make time for Jesus? Stay tuned as we discuss keeping our focus in a busy world!
To start off, let us define the word focus. To be focused means you give your utmost attention, without wavering or loosing track. When we lose focus, we are not giving our attention to the task at hand. Similary, when we lose our focus on Jesus, we will wander away from Him.
So, the big question is, how do we keep our focus? One of the first steps is to recognize and acknowledge the importance of God’s word. Without this knowledge, we will not give our utmost attention to Him. The more you get close to God, the more you will recognize and acknowledge your need for Him in your life. (To get more insight on reading the Bible, check out Reading the Bible post)
Another aspect to help keep our focus is to know what we are striving for. In 1 Corinthians 9:24-25, Paul said “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run…Run in such a way that you may obtain it…Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.” The imperishable crown that Paul is referring to is the kingdom of heaven. When we keep heaven as our main goal, we are striving to obtain it.
In general, it is not wrong to have responsibilites and commitments in this world. However, if we let those things take the most out of our time and energy, we start to give those things more attention than Jesus. God wants us to give our first attention to Him and He promises to take care of all our needs. (Matthew 6:33) When we give our time to Jesus, He gives us the strength and wisdom we need to go through in life.
When we are kingdom-minded, God can fully accomplish what He intends for us. When we accomplish what God has for us, we will receive that imperishable crown God has promised. Keeping our focus on Jesus will not always be easy but there is a great reward for those who do so. God promises everything you need and He never comes short of His promises.
Challenge for the week: What can you change in your life to make Jesus your main focus? Are there any hindrances?
2 replies on “Keeping our Focus on Jesus”
Itís difficult to find experienced people for this topic, however, you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks
Thank you! May God continue to bless you!