Ever had a bad thought or you thought really low about yourself? It could be the following “I am a nobody, I will not be successful, I am not as good as they are, etc.” Negative thoughts can also apply to other areas such as work, relationships, and friends. Where do these thoughts come from and how do we get rid of them? In today’s discussion, we will talk about the origin and how to handle them.
To answer the previous question, where do these thoughts come from? When we study the Bible and draw close to God, we know these thoughts come from the enemy. What he will do is plant something in your mind and you start dwelling upon it. However, we choose to either nurture and grow the thought or cast it off. We cast off any thought by claiming the word of God over our life and thoughts.
The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that “..God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Having a sound mind means that your thoughts are lined up with the Word of God and He is in control. When God is in control of your life, you will please Him and hate the things that do not please Him.
When we look back at the verse, anything that is fear-related does not come from God. This fear can come in the following forms, “Am I not good enough for people, Am I failure, etc.” However, the devil does not only attack with fear, He will put thoughts in your mind which can cause you to turn away from God.
For example, if you are struggling with self-esteem, the devil will say that someone is smarter than you, they have more accomplishments than you, their life is more smoother than yours, etc. While everyone’s life is not the same, God has given you a specific purpose and you are counted as wonderful in His eyes. However, if you keep focusing on negative thoughts, you will start to believe them and slowly start turning to the world for comfort instead of the Lord.
So what do we do when these thoughts come? We must first determine whether it is from God or not. 1 John 4:1 tells us “…do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God…” The closer you are to the Lord, you will know immediately whether it is of God or not. If the thoughts are of the enemy, do not let them settle or dwell in your mind. Immediately call upon the Lord and start quoting and believing the Word of God. Sometimes, it may be hard but if you keep calling on the Lord, the devil cannot take root in your mind. The Word has more power in your life if you believe it.
Another tactic to combat the enemy is to spend time with the Word. You need to take time to read and pray so you will be ready when the enemy comes. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:17 to “take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;” Without the word of God, you cannot fight the enemy. When you are not filled with the Word, the devil can easily distract you. You will become a challenge for the enemy when you are filled with the Word of God.
As long as we live in the world, unfortunately, the enemy will keep coming against you. However, we do not have to be an easy target. God has given us His Word and the Holy Spirit to overcome the enemy. The devil will first put thoughts in your mind to take your focus off the Lord. Once he overcomes your thoughts, he can have his way. However, it is not too late to have the Lord lead your mind. Start replacing the lies of the enemy with the word of God and watch the Lord move on your behalf. When the Lord moves on your behalf, the enemy trembles because the Lord is with you. Call out to the Lord today and He will give you everything you need to fight the enemy today and forever.
Thought for the week: What negative thoughts keep coming in your mind? What does the Bible say to combat those thoughts?