What comes to our mind when we think of praise? We may think of praise as singing songs or joining in a worship service. But, do you know there is so much more to praise? In fact, it can be our only weapon when trials arise. In addition, praise can also become a lifestyle if we desire and constantly pursue it. So, with this in mind, what is the full aspect to praise?
As mentioned, praise is more than singing a song or joining a worship service. Praise is a declaration or an acknowledgment of adoration. In our life, we can praise anything whether it is a job, sport, people, etc. However, we have to know who is truly worthy of praise. When we praise the Lord, He responds since He is “….enthroned in the praises of Israel (Psalms 22:3).” If we worship other things, we are making something else god. There is nothing in this world that has more authority than the Lord who created all things.
Revelation 4:11 tells us “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.” With this in mind, God is worthy of praise simply because He is our Creator! God has a purpose for everything that happens. Nevertheless, we should still praise and worship the Lord in the good and even, the bad times.
So what happens when we choose to praise God during hard times? Let us take a look at the story of Paul and Silas in Act 16. They did not let their circumstances stop them from praising God. Since they chose to praise, God acted on their behalf and freed them from jail. Another example of praise is in Acts 4:23-31. This is when the apostles were set free by the Sadducees after being in jail for preaching the gospel. When they were gathered together, they began to acknowledge God and His sovereignty. Acts 4:24 states “So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them,”
After their prayer, God showed up and answered! They were praying specifically for more boldness to preach God’s Word and God not only gave them boldness but the Holy Spirit as well. When we look at these two examples, God showed up when they praised and acknowledged Him. Why? Praise is letting God know “You are God and I believe in You. You are Lord over everything and I want to surrender to You.” Praise is an act of being humble. God cannot do His work if there is a prideful heart. A prideful heart shows that you want your will done instead of God’s.
Did you know that a praise can also be a lifestyle? When someone wants to live a healthy life, they will find out what foods they should eat, how much exercise they should do, what activities will benefit them, etc. How do we live a life of praise? A life of praise means that God is glorified in everything that we do. When we ask the Lord to come in our life, our life becomes His and not ours. We choose on whether we will obey God or not. When we obey God, we acknowledge that He is the Lord and we love Him.
Just like how reading the Bible and prayer is a part of our Christian walk, praise is also a part as well. The more we worship God, the more He will move in our life and the more strengthened we are. If we only praise and worship on Sunday in church, that does not give us the strength we need for the remainder of the week. However, if we take the time to acknowledge and praise God, God works on our behalf and He comes to meet with you right there during worship. When we come to praise Him, we should have an open heart and not allow any hindrances to come in the way. When we come with all of our heart and worship in spirit and in truth, God will fulfill what you need.
As mentioned before, praise is more than singing a song, it is a lifestyle and sometimes a weapon we can use against the enemy. When we praise, we are calling out to God and stating He is God and Lord over all. So the next time we go through a trial, take the time to praise Him, even if it does not make sense. Philippians 4:4 tells us to “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” When praise becomes constant, God’s presence increases more. When God increases more, the enemy cannot take over. Continue and seek a life of praise and you will see how the Lord can work in your life.
Thought for the week: How much do you spend time praising the Lord? What does a life of praise look like to you?