Life Talks

Do Not Worry

Have you ever worried in your life? Everyone can probably answer this question and say yes. However, what does it mean to worry? Worry is defined as being anxious and focusing on troubles or difficulties. While it is typical to feel worried, God tells us in His Word to never worry. With this mindset, how […]

Life Talks

Trusting God during Hard Times

If you were to go around and ask people if they ever had a hardship in life, everyone will probably say yes. This is true whether that person is a believer or non-believer. Hard times are just as inevitable as good times, they are a part of life. However, what defines us is how we […]

Life Talks

Reading the Bible

As a Christian, we are told by our leaders, parents, teachers, and other godly influencers to read our Bible. While this is indeed vital to our Christian walk, do we know the importance of the Bible? The Bible is more than a book, it is the Word of God that has been written by people […]

Life Talks

Overcoming Fear

Fear. Fear is the one emotion everyone has experienced in their life no matter how big or small the problem may be. It may be a fear of the future, fear of failure, fear of making wrong decisions, etc. When fear gets a hold of our mind, it can change our way of thinking and […]

Life Talks

My Personality and Jesus?

Have you ever wondered if your personality is important as a Christian? In other words, is it okay if I like certain activities, hobbies, or items? As a Christian, we can often ponder these thoughts since they define us as human beings. For example, if you love watching movies, that is an activity or a […]