Have you ever worried in your life? Everyone can probably answer this question and say yes. However, what does it mean to worry? Worry is defined as being anxious and focusing on troubles or difficulties. While it is typical to feel worried, God tells us in His Word to never worry. With this mindset, how do we learn to not worry?
One of the first steps to combat worry is recognizing what it does to us. When we worry, we are trying to solve the situation alone. While there are things, we can do to help the problem, we cannot completely solve it on our own. Trying to solve the problem will only add more worry since we do not know what the outcome will be, we only hope it will work out for good.
However, when we give our situation to God, He works out everything for good. How can we be sure that everything will work out for good? In the book of Genesis when God created man, He created Adam and Eve in His own image. He did not create animals in His likeness, only man. In the book of Matthew, Jesus states that we have more value than the birds even though He takes care of them.
To bring everything together, when God created man, He created him in His own image and likeness. God is aware of His creation and notices when a bird falls to the ground (Matthew 10:29). He also takes care and feeds them daily. If God has so much care for the birds, how much more does He care about us?
God already knows the struggles you will go through in this life; He has experienced them when He was here on Earth (Hebrews 4:15). So, anything you go through, God knows how it feels. He is willing to help you if you call out to Him. Psalm 34:4 states “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.”
With all this in mind, how can we trust God? We must come to Him believing that He will help. However, we also have to remain faithful to Him. If we do so, God promises to sustain us and carry us through. When we trust God, He gives us peace knowing that everything will work out for good.
So, the next time worry sets in, let us turn our focus to Jesus instead of the situation. He promises to carry us through and not abandon us. The more we worry about the situation, we are taking control instead of handing it over to Jesus. When we live a life that is full of faith, we can trust God no matter what happens in life.
Challenge for the week: Is there something you are currently worried about? How can you trust God through this situation?