Happy New Year, we are already in 2023! Have you made resolutions or plans on what you want to accomplish this year? Was last year everything you expected it to be? No matter how last year turned out, we can be assured that God never changes, and still loves us very much. Today, we will discuss if you had expectations that were not met and how we can approach this upcoming year!
Before we start discussing this year, let us reflect on last year. Was it everything you expected it to be such as goals, accomplishments, etc.? If you accomplished everything you wanted, it is a blessing from God! But if it was the opposite? You had expectations that were not met? Or you had trials that made you question God?
Even during our tough times, God will always be there for us. Let us take a look at the life of Job. Job had everything he wanted and lived a life of prosperity. One day, the devil came to God and asked if he could bring conflict upon Job. God saw this as a way to test Job, so He allowed it. Job went from having everything to suddenly having nothing and in a postion to deny God.
Did he? No. He trusted God and kept his faith. In the end, God carried Him through and blessed him more abundantly than what he had before. Simarily, we can trust that God will carry us through our trials. We do not know what tomorrow will bring but we know who holds the future.
If last year did not turn out the way you wanted it to, trust that God has a plan, and He will complete what He has started in you (Philippians 1:6). God loves you too much to not have a plan and a purpose for your life. Remember that God can use the struggles in your life to strengthen and use you for His purpose. For a Christian, everything happens for a reason, and everything will work out together for good (see Romans 8:28).
With all this in mind, how should we enter into this new year? As a Christian, we are called to live by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). How do we live a life of faith? Faith is trusting the Lord with your life and having full assurance in His plan over ours. When we live a life of faith, we can have a peace knowing that God does everything for good. Even if God does not work according to your plan, trust that He always has something better for your life.
We also build a life of faith by reading more of His Word and spending time in prayer. This strengthens us because we know what God’s Word says and we are not easily shaken when trials come. God wants you to live a life of freedom with no burdens. If you are going through a trial, know that God loves you and will carry you through the situation and will not leave you.
As we enter this year, let us live a life of full confidence and faith in God. God has an amazing plan for everyone but we need to trust His ways over ours. When we do so, we will have the confidence we need to overcome any trial in life. The same God that has carried you in previous years will also carry you in the coming year to come! Let us live a life of surrender this year and in the years to come!
Thought for the week: For this coming year, how can you live a life of faith? What changes do you need to make to do so?