In this life, everyone has probably experienced some sort of “busyness”. This can include work, school, family, activities, etc. While it is good to have priorities, we also need to find a time to rest. This probably sounds like an obvious statement, but it can sometimes be difficult.
Even though we need to take physical rest, it is also important to take rest in Jesus. Join us today as we talk about finding true rest in Jesus and what defines it!
We live in a world where we are constantly busy and we have priorites that demand our attention. However, if we are too absorbed in these, it is easy to get caught up and we may lose track of other priorites. For example, if one is too absorbed in a hobby, they may lose track of spending time with family.
These responsibilites can be good but did you know that Jesus also wants us to rest? He created the world in 6 six days but rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2:2). God set the example of taking the time to rest. Even while Jesus was on earth, He took time alone to pray and seek God.
As a Christian, it is easy to get caught up in life that we may lose track of spending time with Jesus. However, it is a personal choice of where the Lord takes priority in one’s life. He will either come first or not.
Jesus tells us in His Word to “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11: 28).” When we take time to rest with Him, He gives you the strength you need to overcome anything in this life.
What does it mean to rest with Jesus? This means that we need to still ourselves and take time alone with Jesus. This can involve prayer, worship, reading the Bible, etc. By doing so, we are giving the Lord first priority in our life and He honors that. When Mary chose to spend time sitting at the feet of Jesus instead of helping Martha, Jesus told Martha that Mary chose a good thing that will not be taken from her (Luke 10: 38-42).
Keeping the Lord as your first priority is a choice one has to make. When He comes first, everything else in life will be taken care of. We are assured of this promise when we take time and rest in His presence. When you rest in His presence, you will find the peace that surpasseth all understanding (Philippians 4:6). Taking rest with Jesus is essential for Christians since the world can sometimes weigh us down with responsibilites or troubles. However, with the help of Jesus, you can overcome anything because He is with you.
So today, if you are cumbered with burdens or are stressed, take the time to rest and talk to Jesus. You will feel instant peace and inner strength that comes from God.
Challenge for the week: How do you define rest in God’s presence? How can you incorporate this more in your life?