What gifts has God given me? Often times, we may question what special gift God has given us. Although there are many gifts, there is a special gift assigned for everyone. How do we find this? Let’s dig in and find out what God’s Word has to say!
Before we start discussing about gifts, we must realize that we are created with a purpose. Ephesians 2:10 tells us “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” When we think upon this, we can see that God has already given everyone a purpose. However, it is up to us on whether we will use it for Him.
No one has a purpose that is too little or too significant in the eyes of God. He has distributed equally according to our ability. This is shown in Romans 12:3 when Paul wrote “…to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.” Although we may be different than others, God can use you for the benefit of His Kingdom.
With this in mind, how do we know what gift God has specifically given us? The first thing we can do is pray. If we earnestly seek Him, He will reveal it to you. Another method we can do is seek out what strengths God has given us.
For example, if you love reaching out to people and teaching the Bible, God may have given you the gift of ministry or teaching. If you can minister to people through song and praise, God has given you a gift of worship and leading others.
Romans 12 highlights other gifts God has given. These include prophecy, faith, service to others, teaching, encourager, givers, leaders, and taking care of peoples’ needs. Take the time to think over what gets you interested. Do you love helping people? Do you like teaching? Do you want to lead a group in singing?
When you feel the Lord is giving you an answer, He will always confirm it through His Word, other people, in prayer, or opportunities will start to open. God will never promise one thing and leave you hanging. However, if you felt confident about an opportunity but it did not happen, trust that God is in control and He will come through for you. When you know your purpose, use the gift to the best of your ability and remember you are doing it for the Lord! When each Christian uses their gift, they are benefiting the Kingdom since they are all working together for Jesus.
This week, as you think about your gift, think about how you can use it for God. If you already know your gift, are there ways you can amplify its usage? If you do not know your gift, take time to ask God what it is and how it can be used. As mentioned before, God will never leave you hanging if you earnestly seek Him. The more we seek Him, the more He will reveal His plan for your life.
Challenge for the week: What is your gift? How are you using this it and could you do more?
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