When someone states they are giving their all, what do you imagine? You can imagine someone giving up everything else with little care about themselves. It is as if they have chosen to sacrifice everything for someone or something else. What if we had this devotion for the Lord? Today, we will discuss what it means to give our all to the Lord and what it looks like.
As previously mentioned, when we give our all it means we give up everything without holding back. When we ask the Lord to come in our lives, He becomes our Lord and Savior. He will be Lord over everything if you allow Him to be. To do so, we have to constantly seek His guidance and spend time in prayer to show we want His Way. We have to also surrender and trust God even if it does not make sense in the moment.
In accordance to making Him Lord, we have to also obey Him. Romans 6:16 states “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey…” When we have a close relationship with the Lord, we will hear His voice in our spirit or the Word will come to remembrance. We make the choice on whether to obey or not. When we become more obedient to God’s Word, it will become easier to resist sin and therefore, we become slaves of righteousness.
As a Christian who has a close walk with the Lord, we will know what is of the Lord and what is not. This is called having a discerning spirit. The more we read our Bible and spend time in prayer, we will know right away if a spirit is of God or not. If we do not have this discerning spirit, we will believe anything, even if it is contrary to God’s Word. Since we live in a world that has many voices, it is important to know God’s voice.
When someone gives their all, they are surrendering to another. When we surrender to the Lord, we are saying “Not my way anymore but Your Way instead, no matter what.” When God is in control of your life and you submit to Him, He will move in ways you cannot imagine. For God to move in your life, you must give up your ways and submit to God’s way instead.
One illustration that the Bible gives is an example of the potter and the clay. The clay is put into the potter’s hand to mold and shape into the way that pleases him. God is our Potter and we are the clay. Isaiah 64:8 says “But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our Potter…”
We may not understand why God allows some things to happen but know that He uses everything for good. As a Potter, He is molding everything to make something great. We just have to trust Him and His plan. If we are struggling to trust Him, we can talk to Him in prayer and He will give you exactly what you need. If God has made a promise to you, know that He will not fail you and what He says will come to pass.
Giving your all to the Lord is an eternal reward because you are letting the Lord work in your life. At times, it may seem hard to give up your desires but God has something much better for you. However, we have to stay connected to God’s Word or we will fall. If we have fallen away and desire His forgiveness, He will welcome us back with open arms. Today, let us learn to give everything to the Lord and wait to see what He does as a result of our surrender.
Thought for the week: Is there something you are holding back from the Lord? How can you give it to the Lord completely?