If we were to examine ourselves, how is our relationship with the Lord? Can it be closer? Everyday is a chance for us to grow in the Lord. When we are strong in the Lord, we can overcome anything that comes in this life. Today, we will discuss some ways we can grow in our relationship with the Lord. It is a decision that we all must make but it has its lasting rewards.
One way we can grow is prayer. Prayer is our direct communication to God. In the Old Testament, the priests had to make intercession for the people and it happened only once a year. Since Jesus came and paid the penalty for our sins, we now have that direct access to the Lord Himself! The strength of our walk with the Lord is truly dependent on how much we pray. The more we pray, the closer our walk is.
When we study the Bible, we can read that it is expected of us to pray. Jesus often used the statements, “when you pray” (Matthew 6: 5-7, Luke 11: 2-4). With this in mind, the Lord expects us to come to Him continually. We just have to make the decision of how much we choose to pray. Paul even wrote to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5: 17).
Another aspect of ensuring our growth is to know who He is. When we think about Him, what do we say He is? He can be our Lord and Savior if we allow Him. However, He can be more than our Lord and Savior. He can be our Deliverer, Healer, Comforter, Father, Example, Overcomer, and many more. Unless the Lord becomes everything in Your life, nothing will ever satisfy.
Although the Lord has given us people such as family, friends, church, preachers, ministers, counselors, etc., they can never fully help or solve anything we go through in life. They can guide and direct under the wisdom of God but they cannot give the peace that comes from the Lord. When we depend on the Lord for everything, we will know that we are not alone and He is our help and strength in time of need.
Another way we can grow is to prioritize reading the Bible. Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword of the spirit is the Word of God. We need this sword to fight off the enemy when he comes to tempt us. When he does come, all we need to do is speak the Word of God, resist him and he will flee (James 4:7).
Without a strong foundation and understanding of God’s Word, we will be easily drawn into sin. The Bible is our instruction on how to live a godly life that pleases the Lord. The more we know it, we will not give in to sin. When we do fall into sin, God’s grace is there to forgive us and we are made holy again.
Lastly, who we spend our time with will also have an influence on our walk with the Lord. When we are surrounded by people who love the Lord, we will grow because we have the encouragement of fellow believers. Paul tells us in Hebrews 10:25 “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another…”
As Christians, we need each other for prayer, encouragement and fellowship. If we are with the wrong people, we will follow the ways of the world instead of the Lord. If you are looking for a good community, pray and seek the Lord’s guidance before making a decision.
However, this does not mean that we have to be around only godly influences and forget everyone else. We are called to be the light in this world, and to share the news of Jesus to others. When an opportunity arises, share Jesus with others and the Lord will guide you on what to say.
Every day, we can develop our relationship with the Lord no matter how close we are. The Lord also seeks us to draw closer to Him. When we draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us (James 4:8). Having a close relationship with the Lord means that you have a constant and available help when you need Him. It is an eternal reward that no one will give but yet, will have an astounding effect on you and everyone else.
Thought for the week: What can you do to help your growth in the Lord? How do you envision your relationship with the Lord?