Life Talks

Keep Running to God

What does it mean to keep running to God? When we go after something we want, we keep pursuing it until we get it. In this manner, God wants us to have this attitude towards Him. However, in a world that full of temptation and sin, how do we make sure our heart is right with the Lord?

One way to know for sure is to spend time with Him. When we spend time with someone, we learn what they like or dislike, their personality, what makes them happy, etc. Similarly, when we spend time with God, we learn where we are going wrong, what needs to be corrected, what to abhor and how to please Him. However, we also must have a desire to spend time with Him. One cannot fully enjoy the company of another if there is no desire to commune with that person.

How do we get this desire? We can ask the Lord! As a sinner, we are constantly battling between good and evil. It is because of our sin nature that we have this struggle. However, we can overcome by striving to spend much time with Jesus as we can! It is only by the strength of the Lord that we can overcome all the sin in this world! Paul tells us in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Running after God means we are striving to get closer, to have more of Him in our lives. This comes by praying, reading the Bible, and being sincere before the Lord. God wants you to come as vulnerable as you are, for Him to do His mighty work! When we come just as we are and we have a heart that desires Him, He is ready to do His work in us!

Psalm 34:18 states “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit”. A contrite spirit means you are coming with a heart of repentance, and you have the desire to get right with the Lord. Even though this world may have things we desire, we must remember that they will one day pass away forever. However, our relationship with the Lord will last forever and will help us overcome anything in this life.

Paul tells us in Colossians 3:2 “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” When our mind is on the world, we lose sight of the Lord and we find ourselves drifting further away from Him. As a Christian, we may struggle with this but remember, the Lord is always there to help if we need Him. We must do our part and the Lord will strengthen and help you. When we continue to do, there are eternal rewards that we will one day gain and we have the favor of the Lord upon us in this life.

Challenge for the week: How can we improve in our walk with God? Is our desire for the Lord strong or weak? If weak, how can you make it strong?

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