Life Talks

Overcoming Evil

How do we overcome evil in a world that is full of sin? After all, sin is present in our everyday life. Even though sin is present, we can still be overcomers. However, to be an overcomer, we must practice not to give into sin. Join us today as we discuss about overcoming evil, how to say no, and what to do if we commit sin!

As a Christian, there is a strong desire to please the Lord, but we have to overcome the flesh. When we talk about the flesh, it means our old nature that is prone to sin. When we give our hearts and lives to Jesus, we are telling the flesh that it not longer has dominion over us, but Jesus does instead. However, that old nature will still try to take over.

When this happens, how do we learn to say no? One method we can do as a Christian is ask help from the Lord. It is only with His help that we can say no to sin and do what is right.

We can also overcome by remembering what the Word of God states. For example, if you are tempted to lie, remember that the Bible says liars will not inherit the kingdom of God and the truth will set you free (Revelation 21:8, John 8:32).

When you obey the word of God, you will not fall into sin because the flesh no longer has dominion over you. However, we must have the will to not want to sin. If we do not have this will, we will keep falling into sin and live a life that is displeasing to the Lord.

To please the Lord, we must say no to sin and follow Him. Romans 8:13 states “For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live”.

What does all this mean? When we sin against God, we have given heed to our sin nature or the flesh. The flesh only desires to do evil because we were all born with a sin nature. However, this verse also tells us how we can defeat this. We do this by putting the deeds (of the flesh) to death. This is done when we receive Jesus in our lives, and He makes us clean and Holy in His sight.

If we have sin in our life, it is not too late to have it removed! It is only forgiveness in the blood of Jesus that we are made clean again! When we have committed sin, we must go before the Lord and ask for His forgiveness and the willpower to not sin again. God loves you and He is never to far away if you need His help today.

Challenge for the week: Is there a sin you are personally struggling with? How can you overcome this and learn to say no?

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