Life Talks

Living a Life of Holiness

What does it mean to be holy? God tells us in Leviticus 20:7 “Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am the Lord your God.” But what does to mean to be holy and how can we be sure we are living a holy life? In today’s discussion, we will discuss what it means […]

Life Talks

Finding Joy in the Midst of Life

We have been told to find the joy of the Lord. But what does this mean? How can we remain joyful even when everything seems to be going wrong or life does not happen according to plan? Today, we will talk about how to find this joy and have it be a part of every […]

Life Talks

How to Deal with Negative Thoughts

Ever had a bad thought or you thought really low about yourself? It could be the following “I am a nobody, I will not be successful, I am not as good as they are, etc.” Negative thoughts can also apply to other areas such as work, relationships, and friends. Where do these thoughts come from […]

Life Talks

Prioritizing Your Time for the Lord

When we think of the word prioritize, what comes to our mind? To some it means organizing and planning. It can also mean giving something top priority above everything else. How can we relate this to the Lord? When it comes to the Lord, He wants us to prioritize Him above everything else (Matthew 6:33). […]

Life Talks

How Do You Know if God is Speaking to You?

When someone talks to you, you immediately know who is talking to you. It could be a stranger, friend, family member, church member, etc. How do you know this? It is simple, you know the person and their voice. As Christians, we can also know if God or the devil is speaking to us. But […]

Life Talks

Being Patient in the Waiting

In our Christian walk, we probably had a time or a season of waiting. It can either be a short or a long period of time. But did you know that you can wait patiently? Let us start by defining patience and waiting. Patience is the capability of accepting delays without getting upset. Waiting is […]

Life Talks

Navigating Through Storms

When examining life, we can all agree that life has tough moments. Sometimes, it may feel like there is no way. This can also apply to our Christian life when we are going through a hardship. However, we know that God will deliver us but do you know that God will allow us to have […]

Life Talks

If You are Feeling Unsatisfied

Do you feel unsatisfied with life? If so, what is causing you to feel this way? Is it a feeling of failure, unhappiness, or you are not happy with how life is turning out? If you are feeling this way, there is a way out of it! You are meant to live a fulfilled life […]