Life Talks

Obey Even When It Does Not Make Sense

At one point in our life, we were told to obey even when something does not make sense. As kids, our parents may have told us to obey them without explanation. In our minds, it did not make sense in the moment but we come to understand later why we had to obey. The same […]

Life Talks

Having Purpose in a Waiting Season

Ever had a season of waiting or are you currently in one? A waiting period means that you are waiting an answer or you know the answer but you are waiting for God to make a way. A waiting season can be difficult but it serves a greater purpose according to God’s will, even if […]

Life Talks

Seasons of Life

As we are entering Christmas, it made me wonder about the seasons God also has made. He made a season for mourning, a season of prosperity, a season of joy, a season of waiting and many more (Ecclesiastes 3). But why do they exist and how can we trust God in the midst of it? […]

Life Talks

Being Patient in the Waiting

In our Christian walk, we probably had a time or a season of waiting. It can either be a short or a long period of time. But did you know that you can wait patiently? Let us start by defining patience and waiting. Patience is the capability of accepting delays without getting upset. Waiting is […]

Life Talks

How Do I Know What Gifts God has Given Me?

What gifts has God given me? Often times, we may question what special gift God has given us. Although there are many gifts, there is a special gift assigned for everyone. How do we find this? Let’s dig in and find out what God’s Word has to say! Before we start discussing about gifts, we […]