If you were to go around and ask people if they ever had a hardship in life, everyone will probably say yes. This is true whether that person is a believer or non-believer. Hard times are just as inevitable as good times, they are a part of life. However, what defines us is how we choose to react. For a believer, this will either be a strong or a breaking point in their walk with Jesus. We will either choose to trust God or try to solve the situation completely on our own.
As a believer, it is okay for us to feel mad, discouraged, sad, etc. as a response but we can not let those feelings be our main response. God has never intended hardship for us. He created a perfect world until sin entered as a result of Adam and Eve. It is because of their sin that they had to work and take care of themselves.
However, just like God has provided for Adam and Eve, God will provide everything you need when you ask Him. Psalm 46:1 states “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Even during our hardships, God is still there. It is easy for us to trust God when everything goes well. But what about when things go awry? What happens then?
Maybe the hardship could be losing a job/not getting the job, a friend has let you down, you had expectations that were not met, and the list goes on. In spite of all this, God is still God, and He stays true to His promises. He sees and knows everything that will happen. He promises that He will never leave nor forsake us. He also promises that everything will work together for good for those that love Him. By knowing these, we can be assured that God will take care of us no matter what happens.
To put this in a different perspective, imagine you can see all of the world. You can see where everyone is, how they will eventually cross paths, how one’s work impacts others, etc. If you saw someone about to get into a car accident and you prevented it, the person may not understand at the moment. Later if they understand, they will thank you later. God works in this same way.
Even though life might not happen the way we want, and we experience disappointments, God promises comfort to those who ask Him. God longs to help His children but He wants to see us reaching out to Him. He has proven over and over again in His Word, that He will take care of His children. He also promises that He will never gives us a burden we cannot handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).
So, the next time you go through trouble, remember what God says in His Word and believe that He has an amazing plan through all of this. Even though the situation might not be good, God sees everything and is in control. Also, seek encouragement from the Lord by praying, reading the Bible, worshipping and being in fellowship with other believers. When we put our complete trust in Him, He is pleased to know that we live a life of complete surrender to Him.
Challenge for the week: What hardship are you going through? What does the Bible say specifically regarding this? How has God turned this hardship into something good? (it can be a past situation or present)