In our Christian walk, we probably had a time or a season of waiting. It can either be a short or a long period of time. But did you know that you can wait patiently?
Let us start by defining patience and waiting. Patience is the capability of accepting delays without getting upset. Waiting is when you remain in a position until an event happens. If we are to combine patience and waiting, it can be a frustrating situation. But what if God intended for us to be in a season of waiting?
Let us look at the story of Lazarus in John 11. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He did not go right away to heal him. John 11:6 tells us that He stayed two more days and then went to Judea and Jerusalem. When He finally came to Lazarus, he was already dead for four days.
When Mary and Martha saw Jesus, they stated that if He had been there, Lazarus would not have died. Other than this, the Bible does not detail the exact emotions they felt during this time. They probably had feelings of anger and impatience. However, God came through for them and raised Lazarus from the dead. As a result, there were many people that believed in Jesus.
From this story, we can learn that God has a purpose in a season of waiting. Maybe God wants to work on you before He answers the prayer. Or the time has not yet come in God’s plan. With all this in mind, how do we learn to wait patiently?
If we are struggling to have patience, all we have to do is ask! God tells us in His word to ask and we shall receive (Matthew 7:7). While it is important to take time in prayer, it is also important to take time and listen to Him. Sometimes, He may give an answer right away or we have to wait for the answer. We must be led by the Holy Spirit to know if it is God speaking or not. This will come when you ask for it and you are spending time with Him. If the Holy Spirit is directing your life, you can have confidence in knowing you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
If you are in a season of waiting, I encourage you to spend this time drawing close to the Lord. This includes prayer, reading the Bible, and searching your heart. When you pray, you should pray in faith believing that God will help and strengthen you. It is only by faith that we can please the Lord. Also, use this time to see if God wants to work on something in your life. He may refine you so that you grow closer to Him.
I know waiting can be hard when you want an answer soon. It may even feel like nothing will happen and it will be a waste of time. However, we must remember that God has a time and purpose for everything. We may not understand it now, but we will one day when God reveals His purpose. It is only in Him that we can find true comfort in times of need.
If you are currently waiting, take comfort in knowing that God intends only good and not evil for your life. It is often said that a waiting season is not a wasted season. If we find our comfort and strength in the Lord, He will sustain us as we live our lives for Him.
Thought for the week: What are you currently waiting on the Lord for? How can you make this time more effective?