Life Talks

Obey Even When It Does Not Make Sense

At one point in our life, we were told to obey even when something does not make sense. As kids, our parents may have told us to obey them without explanation. In our minds, it did not make sense in the moment but we come to understand later why we had to obey. The same […]

Life Talks

Do Not Underestimate Praise

What comes to our mind when we think of praise? We may think of praise as singing songs or joining in a worship service. But, do you know there is so much more to praise? In fact, it can be our only weapon when trials arise. In addition, praise can also become a lifestyle if […]

Life Talks

The Name of Jesus

We have often heard about the importance of the name of Jesus. But do we know why it is important? The name of Jesus can save, deliver, restore, heal, etc. for anything in our life. How so? The name of Jesus is not like any other name in heaven and on earth. In today’s discussion, […]

Life Talks

Come to God as You Are

When we think of the Lord, we know that He is a righteous and Holy God. Since He is Holy, He does not permit sin in His presence. Sin is what separates us from God and has eternal consequences if we are not forgiven of them. However, since God loves us, He sent His Son, […]

Life Talks

How to Grow in Your Relationship with the Lord

If we were to examine ourselves, how is our relationship with the Lord? Can it be closer? Everyday is a chance for us to grow in the Lord. When we are strong in the Lord, we can overcome anything that comes in this life. Today, we will discuss some ways we can grow in our […]

Life Talks

Having Purpose in a Waiting Season

Ever had a season of waiting or are you currently in one? A waiting period means that you are waiting an answer or you know the answer but you are waiting for God to make a way. A waiting season can be difficult but it serves a greater purpose according to God’s will, even if […]

Life Talks

Seasons of Life

As we are entering Christmas, it made me wonder about the seasons God also has made. He made a season for mourning, a season of prosperity, a season of joy, a season of waiting and many more (Ecclesiastes 3). But why do they exist and how can we trust God in the midst of it? […]

Life Talks

How to Give God Your All

When someone states they are giving their all, what do you imagine? You can imagine someone giving up everything else with little care about themselves. It is as if they have chosen to sacrifice everything for someone or something else. What if we had this devotion for the Lord? Today, we will discuss what it […]