Ever felt like you are waiting for forever for something to happen? Such things can include marriage, job, opportunity, change in direction, etc. While it may seem frustrating and discouraging to see other people get what you want, there is a reason why God is making you wait. While He makes us wait, we can learn to savor the time and even trust God completely. How can we get to this point? Well, let’s see what God’s Word says and how to develop this level of trust!
As mentioned before, we can be waiting on many things in life. While we may have goals or dreams, God has His Will and plan for our life. It is up to us on whether we want to follow His Way or not. If we choose to follow His Way, the road might not be easy but He promises to be there for us when we call out to Him. If you are not sure whether or not you are following God’s plan, take the time to seek and pray. When we do, the Lord will work on what needs to be worked on or He will start directing you on what He wants you to do instead.
Sometimes, He may have you in a season of waiting. What do we do? We continue to keep serving and pleasing the Lord. We must also trust that God has a reason and a purpose. God will never put us through a time of waiting without fulfilling its purpose. Isaiah 49:23 states “…For they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.” To the rest of the world it may seem like you are not doing anything but to God, you are walking by faith. Faith alone is what pleases the Lord because you are showing that you trust Him completely and you are foregoing your will for His. (Read Hebrews 11:6)
As people, it may seem hard to just trust and wait when we want the answer. God makes us wait to either whether it is to refine us or the time has not come. Even God’s work done at the wrong time may not be as effective as when done at the right time. When God tells us to wait, we should use this time to seek the Lord and follow Him more closely. When you are close to the Lord, He will start to reveal and show you what needs to be worked on. If the Lord is showing you these things, it is because He loves you. Hebrews 12:6 “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives” When God corrects us, take it as a sign that He loves us.
Sometimes, it may be external factors that God is making us wait. As mentioned in previous posts, God sees the bigger picture and is constantly working out everything for our good. Maybe some events need to happen so that God says it is time, it is more effective for His glory. If God is working out everything for our good, we have no need to worry except to trust and obey. If you are waiting for something to happen, take the time now to seek and spend time with the Lord. When you are serving and walking in obedience to the Lord, He will take care of everything else. Nothing else will ever satisfy you such as having a close relationship with the Lord.
In conclusion, we trust someone we know very well. If we do not know the person, we may not trust too easily. The same thing applies with the Lord. The more you spend time with Him and talk to Him about everything in your life, you will be so confident in God’s plan that you will automatically surrender. When we do our part, He will do His part and everything will happen according to His Will. We can trust the Lord because He knows everything and is looking out for our good! So while waiting, keep trusting the Lord and He will answer when the time is right. We need to become so confident in God that we are willing to do whatever He tells us to do. In this life and the next, there is a great reward for those who follow God’s plan.
Thought for the week: How much do you trust the Lord? How can you become fully confident in God’s plan for your life?