Life Talks

Making Requests Before the Lord

We all know the Bible verse “…With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). How much do we incorporate this verse into our every day life? In other words, do we truly believe the Lord can do anything in our life? This all depends on how much faith we […]

Life Talks

Be Careful What You Take In

Ever think about the food you eat? Are you mostly eating what is good for you or just for good taste? The food we consume determines our health and the condition it will be in a few months or years from now. What about our spiritual condition? Is it constantly fed with God’s Word or […]

Life Talks

How Much Do You Love the Lord?

If someone were to ask you to define love, what would you say? All of our answers would be different but we can all agree that it means having a deep affection for something or someone. If someone said that they loved you, you would expect nothing less. Rather, you would expect them to show […]

Life Talks

Staying Consistent with the Lord

Stay Consistent. What does that even mean? When you are consistent, you are repeating the same action over and over again. When someone is steady in their actions and thoughts, nothing can ever waver them no matter how hard the opposition might be. Did you know that this can be your mindset when it comes […]

Life Talks

With God, Nothing is Impossible

We all have probably heard of the verse “…With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). When we think of this verse, what does it mean to us personally? Do we know that God can do all things and nothing is truly impossible with Him? Maybe we do know […]

Life Talks

Come to God as You Are

When we think of the Lord, we know that He is a righteous and Holy God. Since He is Holy, He does not permit sin in His presence. Sin is what separates us from God and has eternal consequences if we are not forgiven of them. However, since God loves us, He sent His Son, […]

Life Talks

How to Grow in Your Relationship with the Lord

If we were to examine ourselves, how is our relationship with the Lord? Can it be closer? Everyday is a chance for us to grow in the Lord. When we are strong in the Lord, we can overcome anything that comes in this life. Today, we will discuss some ways we can grow in our […]